This poem

This poem

By Rachel Norman


is a product
of our time.
It wakes up,
where it
in ice-melt.
It believes
we can still
I saw it
and asked
why it ran.
It had no
words to
answer with,
only a song
it wrote for
a child
who cried
last night.
It heard
and cried
back in
— like a wolf,
it said, only


Rachel Norman is a high school student. Currently living in Cambodia, she will be attending the University of Pennsylvania next fall. She has been published in Isacoustic and Falling Star Magazine. She is admittedly idealist, but hopes that eventually we will all take the time to listen to one another, to give each other space to speak, and to be willing to walk towards one another rather than away. Beyond that, she doesn’t know very much.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

By | 2020-03-05T08:28:59-08:00 March 5th, 2020|Categories: Issue 105: 05 March 2020|Tags: , |0 Comments

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