Robbie Gamble

/Tag:Robbie Gamble

The Wall that Trump Built

By | 2019-03-27T21:24:49-07:00 April 4th, 2019|Categories: Issue 84: 04 April 2019|Tags: , , , |

A dystopian cumulative tale by Robbie Gamble   This is the wall that Trump built. This is the base that supported the wall that Trump built. This is the anger that stirred up the base that supported the wall that Trump built. These are the migrants, the “rapists and thugs,” such a shadowy danger disturbing the [...]

Empty Plinths

By | 2017-09-07T08:24:30-07:00 September 7th, 2017|Categories: Issue 38: 31 Aug 2017|Tags: , |

By Robbie Gamble That history was cast, it had its time to patina publically, those grandiose bits: goatees, greatcoats and spurs all sober and saddle-erect, hauled down amid conflicted outcries of righteous mobs, or unbolted and forklifted away into the night. Let the sullen air settle. In municipal plazas, the plinths remain stolid, their bare cornices [...]