Issue 57: 08 Mar 2018

/Issue 57: 08 Mar 2018

In the Dark

By | 2018-03-07T10:07:30-08:00 March 8th, 2018|Categories: Issue 57: 08 Mar 2018|Tags: , |

By Sarah Sutro how to survive a long disconnect, a winter of nationalist intent, a reduction of feeling? this morning the green slate on the window sill glows blue, under pots of flowers and bulbs raw edges like edges in a gorge upstate, shale-layered rivers, like pressed layers of filo dough in fine pastry snow on [...]


By | 2018-03-07T10:29:26-08:00 March 8th, 2018|Categories: Issue 57: 08 Mar 2018|Tags: , , |

By Kris Faatz   On the day the world finally changed, Cinny had her feet up on the end of the bunk in her prison cell and her nose in a lame women’s magazine. Today marked her seventeenth day at Washington D.C.’s Correctional Facility for Troubled Women. Seventeen days out of the three thousand, six hundred [...]

Not a Strange Grammar

By | 2018-03-07T10:56:34-08:00 March 8th, 2018|Categories: Issue 57: 08 Mar 2018|Tags: , |

By Eduardo Escalante nothing to raise Abel or make a song and dance about at the extreme of disorder a hundred-year’s   flood   every   decade stories   stir   shadows over our   small   hours there is no place principle     or signal right left center where to live no cause, no cause at the extreme of disorder the disorder is [...]